It is a common belief among psychotherapists that a sense of security is an important component of the therapeutic relationship. At A Compass Within Personal Consulting, PLLC, it is our shared belief that actual security is quintessential to the therapeutic process. We believe that this is accomplished through vigorous efforts to maintain our clients’ confidentiality.
Clinicians at A Compass Within have come together to develop a practice where privacy, confidentiality, and optimal client outcomes are paramount. To this end, A Compass Within has not previously accepted third party payment. Although we now take some insurances (please check with us to see if we accept yours, should you decide to use it) as a courtesy to the individuals that we see, the reasons that we often do not take insurances are as follows:
- There is a higher level of privacy and confidentiality available to individuals paying privately for services because no personal information will ever be shared with anyone outside of A Compass Within unless you, the client, give signed written consent to do so. *See “Limitations to Confidentiality” below.
- This means no third party payers will have access to your diagnosis, case notes, or any other information that you wish to keep confidential.
- Additionally, A Compass Within is not required to give you a diagnosis that may be stigmatizing or limiting in any way. It is required by health insurance companies that a diagnosis be given in order to justify payment for services. A Compass Within is not required to adhere to this stipulation or any others put forth by any third party payer.
- No additional information will be added to your Medical Information Bureau consumer file.
- Thus, information regarding your treatment at A Compass Within Personal Consulting will not be available for use by the Medical Information Bureau or the health and life insurance companies who comprise its membership.
- For more information on the Medical Information Bureau, please visit their website at: ; or for an article on patient empowerment from, which includes links to several other sources of information on this topic.
- Thus, information regarding your treatment at A Compass Within Personal Consulting will not be available for use by the Medical Information Bureau or the health and life insurance companies who comprise its membership.
- The psychotherapists at A Compass Within Personal Consulting have found that individuals who pay for their own treatment have reported a number of reasons for doing so, including, but not limited to, those listed below:
- The absence of a third party payer means that you and your psychotherapist may have more time to focus treatment on the intricacies of your unique circumstances rather than on accommodating any demands or limitations that may exist when utilizing your health insurance company.
- You, the client, may be able to benefit from the increased flexibility that your psychotherapist will have to tailor treatment to your specific needs.
- Many clients find that when they pay for treatment themselves, they have increased motivation to address their presenting concerns and, as a result, experience therapeutic gains more quickly and more readily.
*Limitations to Confidentiality: Under certain circumstances, your psychotherapist is required to disclose private health information without your consent or authorization. These limitations include: abuse or neglect of vulnerable persons, serious threat to health or safety, health oversight activities, public safety, judicial and administrative proceeding. For further information see Privacy Information Policy.